So since the beginning of this blog, I have been trying to get the District 2 pastors involved with this community beyond teh front steps of their luxurious churches. I have tried to get them to come down from the pulpits and step away from the collection plates and actually put in work in this community.
Now, I have not bitten my tongue about how I feel about these Men of God...they are after all like me HUMAN.
Subject to jealousies, hatreds, needs, and wants...because we all fall short...
However, I continuously reach out to them for support and for help to make this community a better place.
Now, recently with the case of Thetus Fleming Jr. BSO has accused me and this blog (without saying my name directly, but quoting from my site) of spreading false rumors and lies. Chief Sudler has even gone so far as to insinuate that I am trying to incite a race war.
This couldn't be further from the truth...if you read one of the most highly racial post that I have regarding that intersection and this situation, which can be read here, it is clear that I am not trying to incite a race war because the first people I ask for help with this problem are people who drive down Eller Street to MLK in luxury expensive vehicles.
Now let us be honest how many "black people" living in District 2 drive down Eller Street in Jaguars, Mercedes, Maybachs, and Porsches...
The next group I ask to get involved to help this community get the safety measures for Hillsboro are the Pastors, Preachers, and other religious leaders.
So if from that, with all their years of "experience" and all their "expertise" that they came up with "He's trying to start a race war!", then Broward be damned.
I just so happen to get a glimpse of an email sent out by BSO Chief Sudler on March 30, 2012 at 1:13pm
Now, the date that this email was sent out should sound familiar because that is the same day of the protest for justice and demand for street lights and a turning signal. A day our community both black and white should have come together so that we can ALL could make Hillsboro a better and safer place for ALL pedestrians, bicyclist, and motorist. Instead the only people that showed up were the people who actually give a damn about this community and BSO was there to watch to make sure it didn't get out of control. Which from the email BSO already knew it wouldn't because they had asked the religious community to stay out of it under false pretenses.
They have tried to paint me and my blog as an instigator to racial tension and wanting a race war.
So I would just have to ask why?
I have emailed Sudler and he advised me that I have continually used this blog to berate and belittle BSO and his officers.
I have continually disparaged the programs that BSO has in this City
I have accused them of not doing their job because of race
To Sudler, I said WHEN...
Have you actually read my blog?
Or is it like that time back in July when you called me questioning me because Chaz Stevens and a few others told him that I had threatened to set City Hall on fire...
I have to just say WOW!!!
I am consistently utterly amazed at the things that go on behind the scenes in this City. I honestly had no idea, but I thank all those involved for the lessons. You know who you are and if you have ever read my blog than you do too.
Why BSO is doing this I don't know, i can only speculate. But I have not now or ever wanted or tried to inspire a race war in Deerfield Beach.
If pointing out the disparity in news media coverage between our community and the others and listing the proof..than I am guilty
If pointing out the justice received by other communities as compared to ours and listing the proof..than I am guilty
If trying to demand that the City, FDOT, and anyone else take the safety concerns and issues of the residents of District 2, just as seriously as they do anyone elses...then I am guilty
If asking the Pastors to give back their thirty pieces of silver (and the breakfast's) and actually help this community become a better part of Deerfield Beach for all residents...then I am guilty
If asking the residents of District 2 and Deerfield Beach to ask for and demand more of themselves and their elected leaders and those who work for us in the City...then I am Guilty.
If Standing My Ground and Telling the truth about the situations that occur here in Deerfield Beach and listing the proof...then I am guilty as charged
BSO Chief Pete Sudler and District 2 City Commissioner Ben Preston, you are doing exactly what I have tried to inspire others to do in Deerfield Beach and that is to work together despite our many differences and races and religious beliefs...
Unfortunately, you guys are working toward the detriment of our community and City, instead of the betterment.
I can now add "ignorant" and "race war instigator" to the long list of derogatory phrases and words that the City of Deerfield Beach Staff, Elected officials, and now BSO has called me or used to refer to me in public.

Subject to jealousies, hatreds, needs, and wants...because we all fall short...
However, I continuously reach out to them for support and for help to make this community a better place.
Now, recently with the case of Thetus Fleming Jr. BSO has accused me and this blog (without saying my name directly, but quoting from my site) of spreading false rumors and lies. Chief Sudler has even gone so far as to insinuate that I am trying to incite a race war.
This couldn't be further from the truth...if you read one of the most highly racial post that I have regarding that intersection and this situation, which can be read here, it is clear that I am not trying to incite a race war because the first people I ask for help with this problem are people who drive down Eller Street to MLK in luxury expensive vehicles.
Now let us be honest how many "black people" living in District 2 drive down Eller Street in Jaguars, Mercedes, Maybachs, and Porsches...
The next group I ask to get involved to help this community get the safety measures for Hillsboro are the Pastors, Preachers, and other religious leaders.
So if from that, with all their years of "experience" and all their "expertise" that they came up with "He's trying to start a race war!", then Broward be damned.
I just so happen to get a glimpse of an email sent out by BSO Chief Sudler on March 30, 2012 at 1:13pm
There have been blog posts and gossip suggesting this is a racial
issue; that the suspect was not arrested because he is white and
the victim is black....not a chance. When we first met at our
quarterly breakfast last year I spoke to you about building
relationships with you and the community and I meant every word.
I am asking that you not allow those without the facts to destroy
that relationship.
---Direct quote taken from BSO's Sudler email sent to his "distribution list of district 2 pastors".
Now, the date that this email was sent out should sound familiar because that is the same day of the protest for justice and demand for street lights and a turning signal. A day our community both black and white should have come together so that we can ALL could make Hillsboro a better and safer place for ALL pedestrians, bicyclist, and motorist. Instead the only people that showed up were the people who actually give a damn about this community and BSO was there to watch to make sure it didn't get out of control. Which from the email BSO already knew it wouldn't because they had asked the religious community to stay out of it under false pretenses.
They have tried to paint me and my blog as an instigator to racial tension and wanting a race war.
So I would just have to ask why?
I have emailed Sudler and he advised me that I have continually used this blog to berate and belittle BSO and his officers.
I have continually disparaged the programs that BSO has in this City
I have accused them of not doing their job because of race
To Sudler, I said WHEN...
Have you actually read my blog?
Or is it like that time back in July when you called me questioning me because Chaz Stevens and a few others told him that I had threatened to set City Hall on fire...
I have to just say WOW!!!
I am consistently utterly amazed at the things that go on behind the scenes in this City. I honestly had no idea, but I thank all those involved for the lessons. You know who you are and if you have ever read my blog than you do too.
Why BSO is doing this I don't know, i can only speculate. But I have not now or ever wanted or tried to inspire a race war in Deerfield Beach.
If pointing out the disparity in news media coverage between our community and the others and listing the proof..than I am guilty
If pointing out the justice received by other communities as compared to ours and listing the proof..than I am guilty
If trying to demand that the City, FDOT, and anyone else take the safety concerns and issues of the residents of District 2, just as seriously as they do anyone elses...then I am guilty
If asking the Pastors to give back their thirty pieces of silver (and the breakfast's) and actually help this community become a better part of Deerfield Beach for all residents...then I am guilty
If asking the residents of District 2 and Deerfield Beach to ask for and demand more of themselves and their elected leaders and those who work for us in the City...then I am Guilty.
If Standing My Ground and Telling the truth about the situations that occur here in Deerfield Beach and listing the proof...then I am guilty as charged
BSO Chief Pete Sudler and District 2 City Commissioner Ben Preston, you are doing exactly what I have tried to inspire others to do in Deerfield Beach and that is to work together despite our many differences and races and religious beliefs...
Unfortunately, you guys are working toward the detriment of our community and City, instead of the betterment.
I can now add "ignorant" and "race war instigator" to the long list of derogatory phrases and words that the City of Deerfield Beach Staff, Elected officials, and now BSO has called me or used to refer to me in public.
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