
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Chaz Stevens, Really???

I find it hilarious that Chaz Stevens has taken such an interest in what I say or didn't actually say!

Check out his post

It's so very clear to me that now that Peggy and the City Machine has not only collected up the "soul" of Ben Preston (if he ever had one), but that of Chaz Stevens as well.  This is a man who claims to be the watchdog of corruption.  All he is really is a hired character assassin for anyone with the coin or press power to satisfy his need for attention.  

I mean Platinum Blonde hair, really....Are you Billy Idol now?  Billy must've gained 250 pounds since the time he was big on MTV.  And the red gym shorts, how bout the body odor...I guess that's the cologne was Eau de TOILET, literally...Well done Pepe Le Pew!!!

Ok, that is the last bit of venom.

Anyway, in Chaz's post (see above) he insinuates that I blame "whitey" for the dismantling of the Mango festival and he gives an interview by Elgin Jones (yep, Elgin-friend and "TOOL" of the Machine) of Norris Wiggins, Promotor of the 25th Annual Mango Festival.

In the interview Elgin, asked Norris directly if he thought racism played a part in the cancellation of the Mango.  Now, it was very obvious that Elgin was trying to counter Poitier's and other residents of District 2's claim that something other than bad business skills lead to the cancellation.  So, Norris in a very political response answered basically. Saturday the original Sound company, who had already had the contracted portion of their fee, demanded all their money upfront and when they didn't get it pulled out.  Now, their were rumors that City Employees met with the sound company and advised them about money problems, which lead to their abrupt "demand" of full payment from newly installed fear that they would not get paid for their service.  This lead to the demise of the Mango because the City's agreed upon $8,000 came due and it was either pay the sound company the money they newly demanded with those funds intended for the City, so the City wouldn't shut down the show as threatened.  So Norris made a decision to pay the City the $8,000 they demanded and let the sound company leave and contracted with another one, 6 hours passed before they were able to set up...Artist were ready to go and the main attraction Monica was rescheduled for Sunday.  Sunday arrives and everything is ready to go.... in climate weather interferes with sound equipment and show cancelled, headliner warned before getting on plane...Show cancelled!  That is basically the reasoning for Mango cancellation given by Norris in the video Chaz is trying  to use as proof to dispel rumors of racism.  Norris never addressed racism, he indicated that he was in charge and so he is to blame and must make restitution, THAT"S ALL!  He did however, indicate that "Like the President", is the face of the country when something goes wrong he has to take the blame, even when the Congress or the Senate fails to act and their inaction further causes unemployment, SSI/medicare/unemployment benefits to be delayed the President gets the blame.  So Norris accepted the blame for the failure of the 25th Annual Mango Festival.    Good Man!

So, Chaz next time you step from behind your desktop, please make sure to shower and utilize common personal hygiene techniques, like lather, rinse, repeat.  Thank You!   And next time you utilize a video to try and disprove a point, please make sure that its the right video and it does what you intended it to, like the one you used showing Peggy Noland's husband working while on disability.  Now that one was a classic!!!

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