The following letter was emailed to City Hall by Florida House of Representative Gwyn Clark Reed, District 92. Gwyn is uniquely affected by this situation because she is not only the elected Florida Rep. for this District, but she is one of those 8,000+ American citizens, in District 2 Deerfield Beach, who is effectively being denied their 14th Amendment Constitutional rights regarding this issue. Now, Representative Reed has indicated that as a state official she can not step in and interfere with the sovereignty of a local municipality (that should be made clear), but as a resident she can express her opposition to this situation and her feeling on the subject.
Dear Burgess:
I am sending this e-mail as a resident of Deerfield Beach, and I’m requesting that you not go forward
with the public hearing scheduled for June 7, 2011 My right to representation needs to be upheld
before any decision is made regarding the Utility Tax.
You have schedules an election to fill the District # 2 seat for July and I feel this is no reason why this
Item cannot be dealt with after the election.
I’m asking you to please consider the community and their feelings about what is happening at this
Thanking you in advance.
Gwyn Clarke-Reed
1430 SW 6th Way
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Thank you Gwyn for standing up with your neighbors, friends, and supporters!
I am glad to see that she and other legislators are now looking into this situation and will be weighing in on the discussion.
Ain't, democracy grand!!!

returned her calls),
Commissioner Bill Ganz (who I believe wants to be Mayor), and Commissioner Marty Popelsky (who is termed limited and I hope does not have intentions on continuing his political career at any level, except registered voter/constituent) and City Management under Burgess Hanson don't believe in upholding the American Constitution and it's principles, concepts, and ideas.
How Un-Patriotic and Un-American of them, especially so close to Memorial Day and Independence Day.
It's time everyone contact City Hall and let them know that we are not okay with their attempt to trample on, edit/redact, and then finally tear up the American Constitution, in their blatant disregard for the rights of the citizens in District 2, just to meet a deadline.
Keep in mind, they may start with District 2, but who is next, District 3? Considering the way Popelsky allowed both Noland and Ganz to disparage the residents of that District, when they asserted that it does they do not pay enough to the City for the services they use and there is no money there.
Call City Hall 954-480-4263 or
Email City Hall:,
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